Inspector Gadget 2 (2003) Full Online Movie

Rating: 3.9 | 89 minutes | Action, Comedy, Crime, Family, Sci-Fi | 2003-03-11.

Inspector Gadget 2 (2003) Full Movie


After capturing Claw, all the criminals have gone into hiding until, Claw escapes! Gadget thinks he will get the case, but everyone else has other planes. A new version of the Gadget project is unveiled in the form of G2. Strict orders are given for Gadget to stay away from G2 and every crime scene, but Gadget feels he is needed more than anyone.

Director: Alex Zamm
Writer: Andy Heyward (characters), Jean Chalopin (characters), Bruno Bianchi (characters), Ron Anderson, William Robertson, Alex Zamm
Stars: French Stewart, Elaine Hendrix, Tony Martin, Caitlin Wachs

Detail of Inspector Gadget 2
Slogan: Inspect the unexpected.
Genres: Action, Comedy, Crime, Family, Sci-Fi
Year: 2003
Release Date: 2003-03-11
Vote Average 3.9
Votes: 247
Duration: 89 minutes



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